Rolls‑Royce Customer Training provides operators, regulatory agencies, authorized service centers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with M250 maintenance training by integrating advanced computerized training courseware for the M250 series engines into all of our programs. This training media, in conjunction with traditional lecture presentations and hands-on activities, will provide you with extensive knowledge and background on the M250 product. Courses are offered a tour Indianapolis Customer Training Center or, by special arrangement, at the customer’s facility.
The standard course formats are two-day Engine Familiarization, five-day Engine Maintenance and ten day Engine Heavy Maintenance. The Familiarization Course will introduce the student to all M250 engine variants with emphasis on engine construction, operation and applications. The five-day Maintenance Course provides detailed description and operation information applicable to field maintenance activities as outlined in the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual. Students with a desire to develop an in-depth knowledge of the design features unique to the M250 engine may consider attending a Heavy Maintenance Course. The heavy maintenance program covers all topics discussed in the five-day course and accommodates extensive student instructor interaction to develop a level of understanding that will significantly enhance troubleshooting skills.
Additionally, significant insight will be provided into the engine configuration through teardown and assembly of the modules into major sub-components using specific Overhaul Manual excerpts. Both the maintenance and heavy maintenance courses provide exposure to relevant inspection techniques, special tooling, engine-specific procedures and maintenance publications in classroom and laboratory environments.
Properly trained personnel are required to maintain the performance and service reliability of the M250 engine. It has been demonstrated that these training courses provide knowledge and skills that normally require years of experience to acquire. Trained technicians maintaining the M250 product contribute significantly to decreased downtime and can make a positive impact on direct operating costs for the operator.
Rolls‑Royce encourages operators to take advantage of the services provided by the customer Training Center and looks forward to the enrollment of your personnel.
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